Guten Tag.
My name is Günther Raubschaentze and I am the administrator of this homepage together with STASI and FDJ. My biological name is Human Being or just “Me”.
I have been working for IFA Wartburg since Erich Honecker ordered me to. I know Heinz and Rolf, I have been drinking tea with them and I have assisted them during all of their recording sessions. For example, I drove the tractor that you can hear at the end of the track “Agrarwissenschaft im Dienste des Sozialismus”!
To be perfectly honest, I know everything about IFA Wartburg. But since I am sworn by oath not to disclose anything, I will keep quiet about everything forever. Well, except for what I am publishing on this blog of course.
Many people have asked me about our page updates from such early dates as 1961, which is long before the Internet was invented. The answer is that Internet was invented by STASI and installed quietly everywhere throughout the entire East Germany. You can still find remains of the original STASI-internet in the walls of almost all private residences and hotel rooms.
Another question that is quite common from you readers is why we don´t use the domain.
We used initially because .com stands for communism. But since people in the west started to believe that it stood for commerce, we decided to start using the swedish as the main domain name.
So, don´t be afraid to send us questions. Nothing is weird and we won´t register you or investigate your social network or anything like that. I am working more than full-time to make this site interesting and up to date with the latest information about the East German music group IFA Wartburg. Just let me know what you think and I will help you out!
Have a nice day, all you IFA friends all over the world!
Your always listening friend in East Berlin,
Günther Raubschaentze
wonderful band, really, how do i convince my friends and acquaintances to move to east germany? is it still well and good there? haven’t kept up with it, living in west germany myself..
Moving to the East is the big dream for so many people, but not everyone is blessed with the possibilities to do so. That is why we have been forced to put up a wall.
Mensch. Wann spielt ihr denn endlich in Dresden?
Oh, dann so typisch! Wir haben es vorgestern gemacht. Aber hoffentlich wird es irgendwann im nächsten Fünfjahresplan einen weiteren Auftritt geben.
Is there an e-mail to use in order to contact the band? Or do I send a letter through my local parteiorganization?
Beste grüße,
Dear Erik,
the best way is to let us contact you. We are informed about everything that is being said because Alexa works for us.
Hello! I am a girl from Russia and I want to thank you very much for writing this music. This music is amazing. This music helps a lot and lifts your spirits. Thank you very much again :3
That was nice to hear!
Sehr geehreter Genosse,
Im Namen der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik gratuliere ich Ihnen zu ausergewöhnlichen Leistungen in den Reihen der Staatsbeamter. Ihre Dienst wird nicht unbemerkt vorbeigehen, die Politbüro hat die Absicht Ihnen zu befördern! Machen Sie weiter und gehen Sie als strahlendes Beispiel unseren Genossen vor, vor allem den jungen Genossen in sozialistischen Jugendsorganisationen, wie die FDJ.
Ich hatte ein wenig Angst, dass es Bitte Rauchen war, der schrieb. Sie redet die ganze Zeit genau so.
Hey Gunther Raubschaentze.
I wanna wish you a happy new year. And that new song is absolutely beutifull. Perfect interpretation of an Barkas B1000. And congratulations whit having 4000 subscribers on that one capitalist video service.
Greatings Maurer
(I was eating too much berliners for the last months)
yes, it’s nice that a new year occurred just when the old one was about to end. I am always equally relieved every time.
I have also had problems with Berliners, I must reluctantly admit.
happy new year guntie!!!
Gunther, what are your thoughts on the other members of the warsaw pact?
Only nice thoughts.
i love your new site pfp !
What is a pfp?
Gunther, How much money should I pay you, so you will sell me Heinz?
We strongly oppose any form of human trafficking, annexation or deportation. Such things do not occur and have never occurred here.
ill pay 15 sealed spreewald cans
If they are sealed I will never be able to get those jars open.
try using a lawnmower that should work
My lawnmower has always refused to work.
Dear Comrade Günther Raubschaentze,
I have noticed that your website doesn’t include Armenian, Azerbaijani, Belarusian, Estonian, Georgian, Kazakh, Kyrgyz, Latvian, Lithuanian, Moldovan, Polish, Tajik, Turkmen, Ukrainian, and Uzbek translations. How is your average Proletariat Ploigt supposed to understand English? Proletariat Ploigt is currently busy making shoes for Azeri children, he can’t waste time learning English. When will you, utilizing the ingenious minds of the Communist world, translate this website into every single language that has ever existed. As Comrade Tovarish Vozhd Great Leader General Secretary Stalin said, “Equality among the workers first comes through language and then through eating pickled cucumber in a communist car—you have to make sure the car can recite Marxist-Leninist literature—while wearing communist clothing, preferably a shirt with the entirety of Capital on it.”
Sincerely yours, Aykhan Aliyev.
Dear Aykhan Aliyev,
That’s a good question I know we’re working on. Everything will be solved when world communism is introduced.
Kind regards,
Oi, sou do Brasil e sou um grande fã da IFA wartburg, sempre procuro saber cada vez mais sobre a banda, mas eu nunca acho, e eu temho algumas dúvidas, como: eles ainda estão vivos?
A banda ainda existe?
Olá, bom camarada Carioca!
A IFA Wartburg é uma orquestra estatal que existe e sempre existirá.
A música é produzida de acordo com os planos quinquenais decididos pelo Soviete Supremo.
oi, sou do Brasil e amo as musicas da IFA Wartburg. Queria muito saber sobre a banda, tipo, o que aconteceu com a banda, se eles estao vivos e ate quando ela durou
Olá, bom camarada Carioca!
A IFA Wartburg é uma orquestra estatal que existe e sempre existirá.
A música é produzida de acordo com os planos quinquenais decididos pelo Soviete Supremo.
Hey king 👑👑🥰😛 when’s your birthday 🎂😫😋 🎂🎉🍻 let me know so I can celebrate 🎉🎉🎊
No, don’t celebrate me. Instead, celebrate the fact that today is exactly one hundred years since it was September 29, 1923! It is quite dizzying when you think about it I must say.
hey king,,,,what kind of cake should i make my king🥴😫🎂👑
Yellow Cake is something I want to try.
Heyyyyy king.. Are you free on February 14? 👑🥺
Hi Gertrude,
I am not sure. I’m still serving a sentence for that orange I accidentally stole from The Peoples Market place back in 1984. Can you wait for me another 40 years?
Thanks! I had to call a doctor as my nipples just exploded due to undisguised longing and lust.
You are a real Genosse!
Hello from PRL!
It’s good to see that someone is keeping the legacy of such great band as IFA Wartburg.
The archives you post on YouTube bring a tear to my eye.
Long live the Warsaw Pact!
towarzysz Jan Lewandowski
Nice to hear that you appreciate our work. Currently we are only 3500 people working here in the office (summer season) but we will soon be back with full staff in the fall!
What’s the best ice cream flavor?
Love from Latvia to IFA wartburg!
Radish is a good flavor. And plain water of course. I am also very fond of ice cream that is fresh. Most often, our ice cream is served deep-frozen these days.
Hallo! Ich liebe IFA Wartburg und seine Musik so viel <3
Es klingt nach einem guten Ausgangspunkt für weiteres Musikhören. Bitte hört weiter!
To cite the current youth language: Yo this site and band is bussin’ no cap fr
Yes, up and bob around in pleasure, old eloquent gentleman!
I love you and I love IFA Wartburg!!! Much love from Los Angeles!
Ah, that was nice to hear. Are you starving in Los Angeles? I have read about the famine and poverty in the West.
Is the myth true you used to run daily laps around the berlin wall to keep fit?
The Berlin Wall is still fit and will always be, no matter how much I run around it.
I love your music, I would like for more music to be relesed:)
Lots of love from Sweden
Danke Vilhelm!
Wo ist mein Kassler?
The last time it disappeared it had got stuck between your buttocks. Have you lost the inspection mirror I gave you?
Dear Mr. Raubschaentze,
I have worked hard to bring socialism to the US of A. Alas, my efforts have been repeatedly crushed by the forces of reaction!
With your immense experience in the field of spreading the revolutionary spirit to the youths of Germany, could you please give me any tips on how to achieve the same here in the US?
I haven’t got musical masterminds, nor state backing, but I have a banjo and lots of determination!
Thank you for your consideration, love, Maggie!
The best thing is to make people jealous by showing your happy face while driving your Trabant and eating pickled cucumber from an East German can.
Can you tell me more about this STASI internet? I’m quite surprised the DDR would keep it a secret for 30 years.. Considering it’s quite an achievement that the West could only dream of and be jealous of.
And, what happened to it?
It consisted of hidden wires in each apartment wall. The system was installed by STASI when people were at work (very convenient) without anyone knowing about it. If you said something, the government listened and took action. A wonderful service much like how SIRI and Alexa works today.
can you tell heinz he is cute and adorable
Okay, but he’s gotten a little bit weird now and then since he started his Ayahuasca sessions.
Gunthie why are you so handsome?
Oh, now I’m blushing and getting terribly shy.
I’ve had my old member picture from FDJ for all these years and thought it looked perfectly fine, but now Bitte Rauchen has ordered me to grow up, wear a nice suit and wash my hair every day 🙁
So hold the praise until you see my new press photos…
Ich liebe dich Gunther <3
Well, I guess I’m pretty used to that kind of comments from women by now, having lived my life almost 40 years in great fame. Although it wasn’t me who was famous, but still. You know, being so close when something really big happens. It definitely leaves its mark on a person’s self-concept. But believe me now, I’m still as humble and gentle as ever.
lovely work Günther!! keep it up!
Yes I am keeping and keeping quite intense. Thanks for the tip 🌂