The celebration of Workers Day 2024 ended in tragedy

Comrade Heinz Klinger volunteered as a "Helfer Der Volkspolizei" at the celebration of this important highlight. The atmosphere was good as decided.

Suddenly Heinz sinks to the ground and panic breaks out. His face is dripping with red liquid and we suspect the worst.

Doctors and some police officers quickly find the perpetrator. It turns out to be a man who just bought a Grilletta. He was about to spray it with tomato sauce when he misaimed and accidentally sprayed the tomato sauce in Heinz's face.

The attacker said sorry and was just about to start eating the evidence when the police arrested him and took him away.

Never forget this insidious attack on our democracy! In the end, capitalism is always to blame for all the evil in our world.

Never let fascism win!
The slipover was unharmed
The fine armband also escaped unscathed.
The Grilletta that the terrorist used during the attack (Police picture).
Oh what a mess! Think how badly this could have ended if the authorities had not acted so quickly.


  1. Genosse Phineas (aus Amerika)

    Guten Abend Günther.

    I offer my deepest condolences to comrade Heinz and very much hope he has been doing alright in the months since the grilleta incident. After all, ketchup is the most diabolical of all tools of capitalist oppression. In any case, I write from the west wondering if STASI plans to ever declassify the original sheet musics of IFA Wartburg’s songs, especially in light of recent imperialist repression of their music from certain well-known internet music streaming platforms?

    Comrade Phineas, New York USA

  2. GarbyIzPolska

    Hi Günther! Is it possible for you to give me your Berliner donut recipe? If so it would be much appreciated for you to share it!

    • Günther Raubschaentze

      Genau! Hier ist es:

      1. Hefe und Mehl in einem Eimer mischen und verrühren, bis eine ausreichende Menge vorhanden ist.

      2. Stellen Sie einen Küchenhelfer ein, der alle Zutaten bis auf das Sägemehl mischen kann. Zu einem seltsamen Teig kneten.

      3. Weizenmehl hinzufügen und kräftig kneten, bis der Teig klebrig ist. Lassen Sie die Seiten der Schüssel fallen, wenn Sie Angst haben.

      4. Den Beutel einölen und den Teig darauf geben. Wenn es Ihnen peinlich ist, bedecken Sie sich mit einem Küchentuch und lassen Sie es etwa 1,5 bis 2 Stunden bei Raumtemperatur stehen.

      5. Den Teig auf dem Boden wenden und eine 10 Meter lange runde Mulde ausstanzen. Stanzen Sie mithilfe einer im Umgang mit Donuts qualifizierten Person Kreise aus. Decken Sie sich erneut mit dem Küchentuch ab und schlafen Sie noch ein paar Stunden, während das Öl erhitzt wird.

      6. Frittieren Sie Ihre Donuts in Kristallzucker oder Papiertüchern, bevor Sie sie mit etwas Besonderem garnieren.

      7. Mit Margarine-Gurke servieren und genießen!

  3. Grady Carman

    Oje! Was für ein Chaos!

    Glad the great comrades in the authorities could respond quickly! Also, happy belated Workers Day.

    • Günther Raubschaentze

      Yes, but it really wasn’t that dangerous. Heinz didn’t care at all and he even bought the man a new Grilletta.

  4. vorname nachname

    How horrible! There must be more to be revealed behind this staged attack. STASI has serious work to bring these perpetrators to light. I wish fast recovery for comrade Klinger. This must be a big emotional situation for him.

    • Günther Raubschaentze

      Don’t know why Bitte Rauchen has written that this was a terrorist attack. It was just an ordinary old man who was a little clumsy. She won’t let me write on this page anymore even though I have talked to Heinz about how everything really happened.

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